Sunday, 3 May 2015

Final reflections

The picture on the Innostutaan-blog that presented one of the group’s changing moods towards the task on the camp was hilarious, and it described our group’s feelings pretty well too. Here’s a summary on our journey:

1. This is awesome – All of us were pretty excited when we got to the camp and we were eagerly waiting to hear the task assigned to us.

2. This is tricky – Our task was pretty wide and it wasn’t that easy to get a grip on it. We started with defining “a community” and what SparkUp stands for at the moment. Then we listed the problems SparkUp is facing and did the NABC-analyze of SparkUp as well. Later in the evening when everyone was getting tired we decided to gather mixed ideas, even crazy ideas, on the paper. We discussed with the other SparkUp-group and tried to clarify our thoughts and tasks in that way. The next day we changed the ideating place from the common space to our own room and passed on 5 papers with 5 ideas and developed them further.

3. This is shit – One of the coaches told us to go back to basics and get more focused, we were going into a wrong direction.

4. We are shit – We felt stuck and felt like everything was already said and done. We didn’t know how to proceed and decided to take a break, some of us went outside for a walk and some of us took a nap.

5. This is okay - While resting in our beds we listened to some TedX-videos about start-ups, communities and idea creation and got some ideas from them. We decided to continue with destroy & save-tool, which we all feel familiar with and came up with ideas that we then gathered to a final mind map with ideas of how to brand SparkUp-community so that it will appeal to people. We were pretty satisfied with the outcome but also so tired that it was hard to guess if it would be something that SparkUp would appreciate.

 6. This is awesome – We feel that the presentation went well and the immediate feedback was positive; they said that they got a lot of new ideas from our presentation. It was nice to end the course this way and to know that our efforts were appreciated.

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